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Payment Information Page

Payment Form


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Thanks for your payment!

Payment options:

You can make your payments by direct deposit (see below information), or you can use our payment form on the left, to pay by credit card or Paypal. Please note the deadlines for specific reductions in tuition costs for early payments.

Tuition costs (not including application fee):

2500 Euros for individuals whose applications were received by July 31st.

2700 Euros for individuals whose applications were received on or after August 1st.

4000 Euros for married couples/or 2 persons of the same family whose applications were received by July 31st.

4400 Euros for married couples/or 2 persons of the same family whose applications were received on or after August 1st.

Application Fee:

50 Euros (due immediately after returning application form)


300 Euros for individuals or 500 Euros for married couples/or 2 persons of the same family (due immediately after acceptance into the school)

Final payment for applications received by July 31st: 

2200 Euros for individuals or 3500 Euros for married couples/family (2 people, siblings)

Final payment for applications received on August 1st and after:

2400 Euros for an individual or 3900 Euros for married couples/or 2 persons of the same family 

Final payments must be completed for all students by September 30th. Tuition is non-refundable.

Direct deposit option:

  • IBAN: AT23 2011 1285 4225 4600


  • Account No.: 285 422 546 00

  • Bank: Erste Bank

  • BLZ: 20111

  • Recipient: Freie Christengemeinde

  • Transaction info: School application fee/School deposit/School final payment


4Corners Courtyard

Quellenstraße 159/17-18

1100, Vienna. Austria

Living the Kingdom School of Transformation

is a ministry of 4Corners Christian Fellowship

which is part of the charismatic branch of the Pentecostal Church of Austria.

For more information on 4Corners go to:

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